Picture of Kait James

Kait James

How Esthetics Changed My Life

Plasma Fibroblast with Lux (@luxindianapolis)

Written by: Kayla Walker (@kwalksworld)

Let me start this blog off by saying how I have never experienced anything in the esthetic field until I met Kaitlyn James, owner of Lux Aesthetics. I never felt the need to get anything done to my face, but I couldn’t hide the fact that I was interested in what Kait could do to the minor things I wanted to change. This blog is dedicated solemnly to Kait and her hard work in educating others on the importance of proper skincare. She made this experience very comforting and non-judgmental. I can’t thank her enough for her patience with me as well, lol. Four days before the treatment, I just got my first ever professional facial from Sephora, the Perk facial, so I was quite nervous when I walked into Kait’s studio on Monday, March 18th! Now that that’s been said, let’s begin.

Quick review from Lux’s Instagram: Plasma Fibroblast targets the layer of the skin that houses the fibroblast. Fibroblasts’ main job is to support collagen and elastin while focusing on the skin’s hydration. This treatment uses tiny electrical arches to stimulate the fibroblasts to enhance your skin’s healing powers, with a focus on the elastin and collagen in elasticity with age.

What does this mean?

Plasma Fibroblast is known for tightening skin; this means we can reduce areas of excess skin, and lift areas that could benefit from more elasticity. It’s one of the best nonsurgical procedures you can get to help minimize wrinkles and fine lines. It is also perfect for lifting areas such as eyelids and lips!  

Day One of Kwalk’s first experience

I walked into Kait’s studio with a lot of jitters and a hand full of Starbucks. Kait had me fill out some paperwork about my skin history and medical intake forms. It wasn’t intimidating paperwork at all. I was actually impressed with the organization. Once I was done, Kait placed some numbing gel on my forehead and got me a warm fuzzy blanket; I laid back in her spa chair waiting for the gel to settle. Kait explained it’s best to let the numbing soak into my skin for about 20 minutes.

I never knew that I didn’t have a high pain tolerance considering that I have 5 tattoos until the actual treatment began. The most sensitive parts were near my hairline and near the middle of my eyebrows. It felt very much like little bee stings. I never moved from the chair or twitched but I did laugh out loud at the noises I was making. I think Kait was entertained as well, lol. Kait never skipped a beat but did ask if I was okay throughout the treatment. She was quick and easy. I had my forehead treated, as I had three lines that I wanted to reduce. Once we started, we were done within 10 minutes max. My emotions were high from the start, so I wouldn’t base all pain levels off of me, to be honest. My friend got her forehead, eyes, and smile lines done; and stated she actually enjoyed the feeling. She described it as relaxing, lol. After the procedure, my face felt just like a fresh sunburn, which is how others described it as well. It was a little tingly for just two hours afterward. I was very cautious with my facial expressions cause I am a very animated person. I didn’t want to wrinkle my forehead while it felt raw like this. The polka dots (carbon crusts) weren’t as big as the photos make them out to be.

Kait gave me a neat instructional guide with products to help me properly take care of my skin for the next 7 days.

  • Number 1 Dexpanthenol Spray: for the first few days of the healing process. (3-4 times a day)
  • Number 2 Dexpanthenol Cream: for moisture. (2 times a day)
  • Number 3 Zinc Cream: for sunscreen purposes incase you didn’t want to be inside for the entire healing process. (1-2 times a day)

Kait was very helpful with my first day of late-night text message questions! She informed me to put a very clean T-shirt on my pillowcase to avoid irritation! She explained that pillowcases are a pool for bacteria and germs; oily hair, hair products, leftover makeup residue, sweat, oils, dead skin cells, etc. T-shirts are a quick and easy way to make sure we have a clean surface to sleep on. Since we treated my forehead, it was important that it only touched clean surfaces until I was healed.

Day Two Notes

Kait informed me in the beginning, before setting my appointment to even get treatment, that all skin types are different. Which is a DUH to most people but still it’s important to know that the healing process is based upon certain skin types. Let us all keep this in mind as we read through my day-to-day notes that I recorded on my iPhone.

Considering that most people described the after feeling like a sunburn, I am treating it as such. My skin reacts to sun very well. I think because of my Italian heritage bloodline. But I like to make that excuse a lot 😉 My forehead is red but not fire red. Each time I used the #1 spray, I spray it 4 times to make sure I got all angles of my forehead. I used the #1 spray 4 times today. I used the #2 cream once in the morning, once in the evening, and then again before bed. I only applied about a fingernail amount of cream each time. The polka dots were flushed and blended to my skin; I barely felt any bumps at all. I accidentally scratched my forehead two times today and had a mini heart attack. Nothing negative happened though, lol. I’m sure you’re allowed to touch your forehead. I was just acting weird. I went to Walmart and lunch with my boyfriend and I totally forgot to put my Number 3 sunscreen on! I think I got lucky cause there were not any noticeable damages. I’ll for sure remember for tomorrow though! Kait was very on it with responding to my text messages throughout the day. I asked if keeping them so moisturized was not excessive and she said it was better to do so! I have not let my forehead be dry for even a minute! Shiny forehead is what I was rocking all day!

Day Three Notes

My forehead looks bronzy from afar like I have a tan going on but only on my forehead, lol. The dots have barely any red tint to them today. I’m way itchier, which is just signifying the tightening of the micro-burns. I grew the courage to wash my face with my Arbonne anti-aging wash. I didn’t use any products on my forehead though. I only rinsed it with fresh water and put the #2 cream quickly back on. I have been religiously using my #1 spray and #2 cream… come to find out that the cream is only supposed to be applied twice a day, lol. I swear I read the instructions, but it made me feel mentally better to put more on when I felt any slight dryness. Kait said that this was fine! I finally applied the #3 sunscreen on once, since I went out with one of my girlfriends to get pedicures! I also wore a hat to cover how white my forehead looked. The cream is a thick, white cream. I felt like those toddlers on the beach covered in bright white sunscreen, lol. I wasn’t very itchy when I was with my friend, but when I got home I was just thinking about it too much so I put more cream on for mental relaxation. I ran out of mist spray at night! I know I spray my face 4 times, and I’m not sure if that’s too much but because this was my first time getting a cosmetic treatment, who can blame me for being a little paranoid?! There is a noticeable tightening action developing in the middle of my eyebrows. My boyfriend was the one to point it out as we watched a movie on the couch. I had been so focused on treating my dots with care that I forgot to pay attention to my results!

Day Four Notes

I woke up with a very dry forehead! I moisturized a little more than usual. I feel as though my forehead is starting to go through the scabbing process. I’m not going to have scars, people. The proper wording for the tiny scabs is carbon crusts. So basically I’m about to start peeling! I’m happy this is happening already on the 4th day, since I do have to work tomorrow! It’s recommended to not sweat during this process, so you can only imagine my nerves, lol. I need these dots preferably gone before I sling liquor around as a bartender. I can’t wear makeup at all until the dots are totally off. Make up brushes could be slightly dirty and when cleaning make up off at the end of the night, I might rub off carbon crust that weren’t ready? which could cause scarring. AND no one wants those problems! I probably should have mentioned that in the beginning, but here’s the perk of reading all the way through things 😉 I put a lot of the #3 sunscreen on today since I’ll be out again, and I don’t want to affect my healing process. I can see the tightening showing more and more between my eyebrows throughout the day, but only just a slight difference on my two forehead lines. My forehead didn’t feel like a sunburn or anything. I tended to actually forget it was there half the time. I most definitely touched it on things and didn’t notice till afterward but it never damaged me at all. Starting to feel normal with my daily activities and a lot less paranoid, lol. I honestly can’t wait to put make up on again!

I finally got home in the late afternoon from errands and when I started to apply more #2 cream, I noticed two dots hanging in the wind by my eyebrows! Horrrray! The peeling process has begun! Earlier than expected but I’ll take it! I didn’t want to rub my face to test the other dots process. I just focused on putting the rest of my cream on, like I normally do. Nice and gentle. All three lines aren’t completely gone yet but I definitely can tell more of a difference in my skin in general! My skin looks a lot firmer and feels ultra soft. My skin looks a little shinier but it’s not oily! I’m focusing a lot on my eyebrow line area, just cause that showed quicker results than my forehead! Kait explained that the looser the skin, the faster and more drastic the results. The lines in between my eyebrows were deeper than the lines on my forehead. The dots are quite faded on my forehead, as in not very brown or bronzy, but becoming more neutral. Still a little itchy but only when I touch it to put cream on!

Day Five Notes

It’s work day! The dots are gone where my eyebrow line was, and now there is the slight pink tint to my skin. Kait told me that is simply my brand-new skin developing so I need to keep it moisturized as well and be more cautious of sensitivity to sunlight. Once again, think of it like baby skin on the beach! Delicate! I’m definitely nervous to bartend tonight but I decided to wear a beanie and press-n-seal on my forehead so there would be no irritation from my hat. Don’t judge that I used press-n-seal. You gotta work with what you got! I kept my whole forehead very moisturized. However, when I put my # 2 cream on, I definitely did feel a little sting on the area where my new skin was developing. Kait said that was natural and okay! I sweated a little at work, but once again, I got lucky for no damages or irritation; wearing the plastic wrap acted as a barrier and was super helpful.

Day Six Notes

When I woke up there were a selective amount of dots still on the top part of my forehead. However, once I took a shower, the bumps were all gone. My skin was soft with a slight pink tint in the areas that received the fibroblast arches. I still didn’t put makeup on, due to my paranoia of a break out. I went about my day normally and I received compliments from those who were paying attention to my forehead all week. Honestly, there is still a slight, and when I mean slight I MEAN it, line on my forehead still. BUT you barely notice it. My harder line where my eyebrows are is completely gone and not pink anymore. I noticed how my forehead healed quicker near my eyebrows and then worked its way up. Below you will see the final photos of my forehead and how different it looks from the beginning! It’s easier to show you this than write about it! Pictures tell a thousand words!

Final Thoughts

For someone who has never experienced anything with esthetics, other than daily face washes, this treatment was far easier and more comfortable than it looks. Obviously, I was a little more paranoid than the average person, but I honestly didn’t technically feel the NEED for the treatment at first. My lines weren’t very hard from the get-go but it’s crazy how they disappeared within 6 days. I am always up to trying new things. I don’t regret it at all! Kait made this experience worth getting! I love how natural the treatment is and how I don’t have to come in and get more treatments for it to work; the results I experienced with my one treatment were enough. It was a one and done thing for me! Totally worth the 20 minutes of bee stings, lol.

Therefore, if you’ve been dying to find remedies for tightening your skin, too nervous, or just too broke a bihhh to get lip injections or Botox? try plasma fibroblast!!! It is truly is the way to go! I’m only confident in this due to my own, fun experience. It just actually works and I’m not paid to say this or type it, lol. Plasma Fibroblast is less of a hassle than most treatments I have read and heard about. Keep a lookout on Lux’s Instagram page for more photos or questions you may have on Plasma Fibroblast! Give my lovely forehead and funny facial expressions a quick like as well!

Thanks to Kait and my experience with this treatment, I am going to school to get my esthetician license. How about that? We all win with clean skin!

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